Wealth of Natural Resources Indonesia

Indonesia's rich volcanic land is ideal for many types of crops and varieties grown. Indonesia has the largest tropical forest reserves in the world in addition to outside the Amazon. Logging has been intensified in several major areas which have a wide range of large timber plants, especially Borneo, but forests still cover about two-thirds of the total land area.Tin, bauxite, oil, natural gas, copper, nickel, and coal is the main mineral resources; the other there is also such as silver, diamonds, and rubies are also found. saltwater fish (ocean) is very abundant, and all the riches of the sea can also produce a pearly shells and seaweed. 
Wealth Plants and AnimalsIndonesia has about 40,000 species of flowering plants of various kinds kind exceeds the wealth of the continent of Africa or tropical America that included just about 3,000 trees, 5,000 orchids, and some of the largest flower in the world, flower, Rafflesia arnoldii, or corpse lily.Prevailing tropical rain forest vegetation in the northern lowlands of Indonesia. mangroves and nipa palm dominate lowland forests of the southern islands. Crop hill forests consist of coffee, chocolate. 
Mount Indonesia located in the transition zone between the two major world communities fauna of Asia and Australia. The dividing line between the two, known as the Wallace Line, stretching from eastern Borneo to the north, from the east Bali in the south; in the Celebes and the Moluccas, the two continents of Asia and Australia can be found. To the west longitude, Asian animal communities including rhinos, elephants, tigers, tapirs, orangutans, and various species of apes and monkeys. 
East of Australia include various kinds of animals such as parrots, bowerbirds, and birds of paradise; and marsupials like Bandicoot and fitch. Many species that are specific to the islands, or group. Orang utan are found only in Sumatra and Kalimantan, Sumatra and Java tigers, wild ox in Java and Kalimantan, proboscis monkeys only in Borneo, elephant, tapir and gibbon (black gibbon) are only found in Sumatra.All the islands abound in species of birds, reptiles, and amphibians. For the world's largest lizard, the Komodo lived on the island east of Flores. Unlike other endemic species, Komodo is very uncommon and rare. Many of the species in the list of endangered species, including orangutans and two species of rhinoceros in Java and Sumatra, it was found almost only in zoos and national parks.

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