Moringa leaves Benefits

 Moringa leaves in Indonesian Languge (Daun Kelor)

Yes, before maybe you all know about the Moringa plant roots, the plant used to that in the villages are often grown on the edge of the fence as a barrier-pingir land or land, sometimes often we see also in ataran fields.

Ordinary if the villagers did not know much about kasiat and usefulness of this plant, because if at first glance these plants like can not for consumption, but this tubuhan turned out a lot of benefits. and to this day I still consume them but unfortunately because of the long dry season of this plant is so much death, especially in the land of Sumatra It yesterday a lot of forest fires, fires aplenty everywhere, yesterday had the area near the mine is filled with smoke and hard to breathe fresh air. and the eye is very short.

Back again us to the topic Leaf  Moringa leaves before, once as well as I wander on the island of Borneo are abundant this plant and grows wild in many empty places I've ever seen, was in the area of Kalimantan was the plant that is used in many different ways, and kusuhnya local community there used to purify the water of the river, and the government turns setempatpun use it to purify water taps as well that I have ever heard.

Moringa leaves

This plant is actually easy to grow especially in the rainy season will rapidly grow young leaves and old berkembang.setelah this plant will bear fruit and fruit-like fruit degan party is only slightly rounded and shorter and if the meal is almost like peanut taste, these plants have
white flowers and be in
consumption too, I often cooked as a vegetable nodes or soup, in stir-fry could be and feel more savory, leaves, flowers and seeds can be consumed by all, and is believed to cure all ills as in the analysis of this plant contain a corpulent a vitamin that is needed for our bodies.

Just unfortunately maybe I could not take it anymore because of the land and forests on fire yesterday and even if it could be possible to wait any longer annual  .....

Then who is responsible for this, it may be due to lack of awareness we as humans are created by God to keep and preserve this nature, but always misused for personal interests us, therefore we urge together and support efforts to conserve our natural Indonesia is mainly nature that we love, nature is full of natural resources, plants, produce many more unseen by us.

Leaves of Moringa is that in vegetable nodes it feels very similar to the leaf Katu and texture shape almost equal as well, Moringa leaf is believed to also be used for the supernatural as well as linked to exorcise, bathing the corpse and many more, but actually Moringa leaves contains various kinds of vitamins.

Thank you for visiting.

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