Sambiloto Leaf
Perhaps you have heard about this plant, across the homeland Indonesia or other countries, especially the tropical climate has certainly banya bitter plant.
What are the uses and benefits of Sambiloto leaf?
Bitter leaf is widely used for a variety of traditional medicine. Sambiloto which has the Latin name Andrographis paniculata Ness is a potent plant as a medicine in the form of an upright plant that can reach 90 cm. The origin of this plant is expected from tropical Asia. Of the Indian state extends to the south in the land of Siam, to the east until the Malayan peninsula, and is found in Java.

What is Sambiloto?
Paniculata is a wild plant that has a wide range of properties that can cure various diseases. This plant is a type of wild plants, bitter can also be found in places such as empty gardens, riverside, vacant land that is moist or yard that rarely used the ..
What is the content of Sambiloto herbs?
Bitter leaf contains many laktone and flavonoids. Laktone obtained from the leaves and branches, each containing deoxyandrographoldie and andropraholide (bitter substances), 14-deoxy-n, 12-didehydroandrographolide, and homoandrographolide. There are also alkane, ketones, aldehydes, minerals (calcium, potassium, sodium), grit and resin acids. Flavonoids itself apling a lot of roots, namely polimetoksiflavon, andrgrafin, pan ikulin, mono -0 metilwithin, and apigenin-7, 4-dimetiler. So much so that abortion is indeed leaves bitter medicine.
- Leafy single short-stemmed, lies opposite cross, shape lanceolate, base tapering, pointed tip, flat edge, dark green upper surface.
- Flowers, inflorescence branching panicle shape, out of the tip of the stem or leaves the armpit. Lipped flowers are tubular and white.
- Fruit capsule Runcing funnel-shaped, about 1.5 cm long, 0.5 cm wide base and shaped sharp tip.
Sambiloto used to prevent the formation of inflammation, improving urine (diuretic).
Various kinds of Sambiloto leaf Efficacy and Benefits include :
Lower the heat to the body (antipiretika)
Antiperetika bitter leaf contains very effective to reduce the heat inside.
Prevent cancer
Sambiloto can treat diseases such as pregnant trophoblast wine (mola
hidatisoda), and malignant trophoblastic disease (trophoblastic tumors)
and lung tumor which was the forerunner of cancer.
Lowering Blood Pressure
The content of potassium compounds provide efficacy to lower blood pressure. The results of pharmacological experiments showed that the water
decoction of the leaves bitter 10% at a dose of 0.3 ml / kg in body weight
can provide a decrease in blood sugar levels that are comparable to the
provision of glibenclamid suspension.
Effective For Typhoid DiseaseSambiloto also in the trust can be used as a cure typhus by taking a 10-15 leaves are boiled and drunk the water boiled.
Efficacy of Sambiloto other no less important are the following :
itching, Treating malaria, increase endurance, maintain stamina,
Treating abdominal pain, Diabetes mellitus (DM), Symptoms of hepatitis,
infections of the bile ducts, overcoming diarrhea, overcome bacillary
dysentery, treating typhoid, Treating inflammation of the lungs
(pneumonia) Treating
inflammation of the respiratory tract (bronchitis), treating acute
kidney inflammation (acute pyelonephritis), Treating inflammation of the
middle ear (OMA), Treating appendicitis, Treating toothache, Treating
leptospirosis, effective for detoxifying, Good Skin (external use) Treating diabetes, eliminate the black spots on the skin.
So the benefits and kasiat Sambiloto leaf is very widely used in traditional medicine, no wonder many basic ingredients of herbal medicine is bitter leaf.
How to Use Sambiloto Leaf For Exterior
To use the outside you can use multiple ways below.1. Wash the bitter leaf that will be used sparingly2. Puree until smooth leaf3. Place in a soft cloth material to accommodate the former leaves that have been grinded4. Let stand a few minutes then apply on the skin or face to look perfect
How to use the inside
In addition to the outside, there are many benefits of bitter leaf
that is important to treat the effect to make it more nutritious for the
body, the following steps:1. Take some bitter leaf that has been in the wash2. Boil in water until the leaves 25%3. Drink in moderation.
So this information is Benefits Sambiloto, to take advantage of bitter leaf be useful to ask the advice of traditional healers were very understanding about the various main properties. Also Read Benefit of Betel Palm
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