Indonesia On Primitive - State of the World's Most Wealthy
Indonesia is the richest country in Antiquity
Past Indonesia is very rich. This is evidenced by information from various ancient sources. This time we will discuss the wealth of each island in Indonesia. The islands will we mentioned into seven major parts of Sumatra, Java, small Sunda Islands, Kalimantan, Sulawesi, Maluku and Papua.
Past Indonesia is very rich. This is evidenced by information from various ancient sources. This time we will discuss the wealth of each island in Indonesia. The islands will we mentioned into seven major parts of Sumatra, Java, small Sunda Islands, Kalimantan, Sulawesi, Maluku and Papua.
Sumatra - Island of Gold
In various inscriptions, Sumatra island called by the Sanskrit name: Suwarnadwipa ("golden island") or Suwarnabhumi ("land of gold"). These names have been used in the texts of India BC. Also known as the island of Sumatra, Andalas.
At the time of the 18th Dynasty Pharaoh in Egypt (around 1.567SM-1.339SM), on the west coast of Sumatra island has no bustling port, with the name Barus. Barus (Lobu Tua - Tapanuli) is estimated to have been around since 3000 BC. Barus was known as a place of origin of mothballs. Turns camphor or camphor is used as a preservative mummy of ancient Egyptian pharaohs.
At the time of the 18th Dynasty Pharaoh in Egypt (around 1.567SM-1.339SM), on the west coast of Sumatra island has no bustling port, with the name Barus. Barus (Lobu Tua - Tapanuli) is estimated to have been around since 3000 BC. Barus was known as a place of origin of mothballs. Turns camphor or camphor is used as a preservative mummy of ancient Egyptian pharaohs.
In addition to the Barus, in Sumatra, there are also other ancient kingdoms. A source tells the Ancient Jewish manuscript bekalan gold to build state of the Kingdom of Solomon is taken from an ancient kingdom in the Far East called Ophir. The possibility of Ophir is in West Sumatra. There is a mountain in West Sumatra Ophir. Companions Mount Ophir (also known as G. Talamau) is one of the highest mountain in West Sumatra, contained in Pasaman. Reportedly areas in Sumatra, the largest gold contained in Minangkabau kingdom. According to ancient sources, in that kingdom there are high mountains and contains gold. It is said that the Kingdom of Minangkabau center is located in the center of gold mining. The gold is then exported from a number of ports, such as Kampar, Indragiri, Pariaman, Mice, Barus, and Pedir. Sumatra Island also stands Kingdom of Srivijaya Empire which later evolved into the first major of the archipelago which has the effect of up to Thailand and Cambodia in the north, to the Moluccas in the east.
Now the mineral wealth contained much of Sumatra island mined. Many types of minerals found on the island of Sumatra, in addition to gold. Sumatra has a variety of minerals, such as coal, gold, and lead. It is not impossible actually minerals such as gold and many others who have not been found on the island of Sumatra. Some people believe actually Sumatra island contains a lot of gold other than what is found now. If that is true then it will be known as the island of Sumatra, the island of gold again.
Java - Rice Island
Formerly known as Java Island JawaDwipa. Yawadwipa comes from Sanskrit meaning "Island Rice" and is mentioned in the Hindu epic Ramayana. Epic said "Jawadwipa, decorated seven kingdoms, Island Gold and silver, with a rich gold mine", as one of the most remote parts of the earth. The Greek geographer, Ptolemy also wrote about the "land of gold" and "silver country" and the islands, including the island "" labadiu "which means" Island Rice ".
Ptolemy mentions in the west end Iabadiou (Jawadwipa) located Argyre (Silver City). Silver City was most likely ancient Sunda kingdom, Salakanagara located in western Java. Salakanagara in the history of Sunda (Wangsakerta) called Rajatapura. Salaka interpreted silver while the country of residence together with the city, so Salakanagara many interpreted as Silver City.
On the island of Java, also stands a great kingdom of Majapahit. Majapahit kingdom was recorded as the largest in the archipelago who managed to unite the archipelago include Sumatra, the Malay Peninsula, Borneo, Sulawesi, Nusa Tenggara islands, Maluku, Papua, and most of the Philippine archipelago. In Wang Ta-yuan notes, Java export commodity at the time is pepper, salt, cloth, and a parrot. Its currency is made of a mixture of silver, tin, lead, and copper. In addition, note monks visit Rome in 1321, Odorico da Pordenone, states that the court of King Java filled with gold jewelry, silver, and gems.
According to many experts, the most fertile in the world is the island of Java. This makes sense, because Java has a concentration of volcanoes is very high. Many active volcanoes in Java. The mountain is what causes the soil is very fertile island of Java with the content of nutrients needed by plants.
Raffles authored the book The History of Java was amazed at the natural fertility of Java that no tandingnya in any hemisphere. "If all the land that is utilized," he wrote, "there can be no region in the world that can match the quantity, quality, and variety of plants produced by this island."
Java is now supplying 53 percent of the food needs of Indonesia. Rice farming is widely available in Java because it has a tremendous fertility. Java island is said to be Indonesia's rice barn. Java is also famous for his coffee called Java coffee. Rainfall and soil acidity levels in Java very suitable for coffee cultivation. Much better than coffee Latin America or Africa.
The agricultural production of other foods such as vegetables and fruits are also benyak in Java, for example, peanuts, green beans, leeks, onions, potatoes, cabbage, radish, chinese cabbage, beans, carrots, green beans, spinach, cucumbers, peppers, eggplant, squash, beans, tomatoes, avocado, citrus, durian, duku, guava, guava, guava bol, pineapple, mango, papaya, banana, brown, bark, apples, grapes and rambutan. Even in Java are now trying to plant wheat and palm trees. It is not impossible if the land in Java and processed optimally used for agriculture it can be very rich Java only from agricultural products.
Small Sunda islands (Bali, NTB and NTT) - Islands Tourism
Ptolemy mentions, there are three islands called Sunda located in east India. Based on that information experts then geographer Europe using Sundanese word for naming the area and a few islands in eastern India. A number of islands which is then formed on the plains Sunda named using the term Sunda also the Greater Sunda Islands and the Lesser Sunda Islands. Greater Sunda Islands is a set consisting of a large island of Sumatra, Java, Madura and Kalimantan. Meanwhile, a group of islands of the Lesser Sunda Bali, Lombok, Sumbawa, Flores, Sumba and Timor.
This small Sunda Islands region as a tourist area known for its natural beauty stunning. Since the first has anyone traveled to this area. Rsi Markandiya trip around the 8th century from Java to Bali, have to travel by bringing keagaman missions. Similarly, professor Kuturan who developed the concept of Tri Sakti in Bali came around the 11th century In 1920, tourists from Europe began to come to Bali. Bali in Europe, also known as the Island of God.
In another place in the Lesser Sunda Islands precisely in the area of West Nusa Tenggara known from the herds of horses, cattle and buffalo. Horse Nusa Tenggara already known to the world since hundreds of years ago. Century 13 M of West Nusa Tenggara have sent horses to the island of Java. West Nusa Tenggara is also known as a tourist place of the kings. The kings of the kingdom of Bali build Narmada in 1727 AD in the area of the island of Lombok to relieve fatigue from routine moment in the kingdom.
Lesser Sunda region is no less rich is the Nusa Tenggara Timur, because in this area there is a very precious sandalwood. Sandalwood is a native plant that grows in the Indonesian province of East Nusa Tenggara. friend sandalwood from East Nusa Tenggara have been traded since the beginning of the century AD. Since the beginning of the century AD, many traders from western part of Indonesia and China sailed to various producing regions in East Nusa Tenggara sandalwood especially islands of Sumba and Timor. It is said that Prophet Solomon wore the sandalwood to make pillars in the temple of Solomon, and for musical instruments. Prophet Solomon's import timber from places distant possibility of sandalwood comes from the East.
Now the small Sunda Islands is a famous tourist spot in the world. Bali is a beautiful island in the world. Lombok is also one of the most beautiful places in the world. Meanwhile in East Nusa Tenggara are ancient animals inhabited island is the only one in the world who are still alive are dragons. Small Sunda Islands is a mysterious place and very charming. These islands can get a lot of wealth travelers from all over the world if managed optimally.
Borneo - energy Granary Island
But the name of the third largest island in the world is Warunadwipa which means God of the Sea Island. Borneo in the news China (T'ai p'ing huan yu chi) called the p'i li Chin Shih. Nusa Kencana "is the designation of the island of Borneo in the ancient Javanese manuscripts. The Malays call Hujung Island Land (P'ulo Chung). Borneo is the name used by the British and Dutch colonial.
In ancient times foreign merchants came to this island looking natural commodities such as camphor, candles and bird nest to barter with high-value ceramic urn in the Dayak community. The Indian and Malay immigrants entering the estuaries to look for land cultivation and managed to find gold and diamond mines in this island.
In Kalimantan Kutai kingdom stand. Kutai Martadipura is patterned oldest Hindu kingdom in the archipelago. Name Kutai already mentioned since the 4th century (four) on the news of India clearly states Kutai with the name "Quetaire" as well as the Chinese news on Abat to 9 (nine) called Kutai as "Kho They" meaning the kingdom big. And in the 13th century (thirteen) in ancient literature Kertagama State Book compiled by Professor Prapanca written by the term "Alas Kute". Kutai past civilization which is the first milestone in the history of the Indonesian era.
Now the island of Borneo is one of the barns of natural resources in Indonesia has several resources that can be used as an energy source, such as coal, oil, gas and geothermal. Borneo forest containing peat can be used as a good source of energy for electricity generation and heating as a replacement for coal. Remarkable turns of Borneo has a lot of reserves of uranium that could be used for nuclear power plants. Besides, Borneo also has another potential that is as a provider of botanical or renewable energy sources. The botanical energy source or bioenergy is of palm oil CPO. Borneo Island is very rich.
The Arabs called the Sulawesi with Sholibis name. The Dutch called this island by the name of Celebes. The island has been inhabited by humans since 30,000 years ago proved the existence of ancient relics in this island. For example the location of prehistoric stone age Besoa Valley.
Sulawesi name supposedly comes from the word 'Sula' meaning the island and 'iron'. Sulawesi Island since the first is a manufacturer Bessi (iron), so it is not surprising Ussu and around the lake Matana containing iron and Nikkel. In Sulawesi once stood Luwu Kingdom, which is one of the oldest kingdoms in Sulawesi. Luwu region is a producer of iron. Luwu Luwu or guns Bessi (keris or kawali) is very famous for its potency, not only in Sulawesi but also outside Sulawesi. In the history of Majapahit, Luwu region is a tributary kingdom, besides known as a major supplier of iron to Majapahit, Maluku and others. According to existing records, since the fourteenth century has been known as a place Luwu iron smelting.
On the island of Sulawesi is also never stand Gowa Tallo ever topped the triumph that emanated from Sombaopu, the capital of the Kingdom of Gowa east up to the strait Dobo, north to Sulu, to the west to the Kutai and south through the Lesser Sunda, outside of the island Bali to Marege (northern Australia). It shows broad powers covering more than 2/3 of the archipelago.
During prosperous times will spice trade in the 15th century until the 19th, Sulawesi, Maluku islands as a gateway, an island rich in spices. Large empire such as Napier and Bone as mentioned in the history of eastern Indonesia, has played an important role. In the 14th century AD, Sulawesi person can make a boat to explore the world. Pinisi made Bugis society at that time was able to sail to Madagascar in Africa, a journey across the ocean that requires great determination and tremendous courage. This proves that the Bugis have the capability to make an awesome boat, and has a nautical spirit high. At the same time Vasco da Gama are just starting his first exploration in 1497 in search of spices, and discover new continents in the east, who previously pioneered Marco Polo.
Maluku - Spice Islands
Maluku has the original name "Jazirah al-Mulk" which means a collection / peninsula kingdoms consisting of small kingdoms. Maluku known as Thousand Islands region as well as socio-cultural diversity and abundant natural resources. Dutch people refer to it as 'the three golden from the east' (three gold from the east) that Ternate, Banda and Ambon. Before the arrival of the Dutch, Portuguese writer and physician, Tome Pirez wrote the book 'Summa Oriental' who have inscribed on Ternate, Ambon and Banda as 'the spices island'.
In the past the Moluccas was known as a producer of spices such as cloves and nutmeg. Cloves are ancient spice that has been known and used for thousands of years BC. The tree itself is native to the islands of Maluku (Ternate and Tidore), formerly known by the explorers as the Spice Islands.
At 4000 years ago in the kingdom of Egypt, Pharaoh of the 12th Dynasty, Sesoteris III. Through archaeological data regarding the transaction Egypt in importing incense, ebony, incense, ivory, from a mysterious land where "baboons" originated. Although archaeological support is lacking, the country "Punt" can be identified after Giorgio Buccellati find containers that contain objects such as clove in the middle Euphrates. At the time of 1700 BC that the clove is only found in the Maluku islands, Indonesia. In medieval times (about 1600 AD) clove spice had become one of the most popular and expensive in Europe, exceeding the price of gold.
Besides cloves, spices from Maluku is the fruit of Pala. Fruit Nutmeg (Myristica fragrans) is a plant in the form of a tree that came from the Banda Islands, Maluku. Due to the high value as a spice, fruit and nutmeg have become an important trading commodity in the Roman period. Seeing the high price of spices that time many Europeans then look for this spice islands. friend indeed sought Christopher Columbus to the west is the road to the Maluku Islands, 'The Island of Spices' (the Spice Islands), although in the end he just discovered a new continent called America. Spices are one of the reasons why the Portuguese explorer Vasco Da Gama reached India and the Moluccas.
Maluku actually now be returned victorious with crops if it continues to develop well. Maluku get rich with crops and the sea.
Papua - Paradise Island

It is unknown whether the ancient civilizations BC in Papua are royal. It could be time immemorial there have been advanced civilization in Papua. At a conference on road and traffic lights in 1963 in Pretoria (South Africa), CS Downey bring about an isolated settlement in the middle of dense forest Mountains Wilhelmina (Peg. Trikora) in Western New Guinea (Papua) which has advanced lighting system. The traders who painstakingly managed to penetrate into the settlement is told horror to light very bright illumination of several months in the top of the pillars there. Light bulbs that appear to be strange glow after the sun begins to set and continue to burn throughout the night every day. We do not know the truth of this story but if true it is exceptional and should be investigated.
Papua's natural wealth has been known for a long time. In the 18th century AD, the ruler of the kingdom of Srivijaya, send offerings to the Chinese empire. In the offering, there are several birds of paradise, which is believed to be a bird of paradise park that is native of Papua. With a strong fleet Sriwijaya visiting Maluku and Papua to trade spices - spices, perfume - perfume, pearls and feathers Bird of Paradise. In the days of the kingdom of Majapahit number of areas in Papua have been included in the territory of Majapahit. In the sixteenth century the North Coast to the West Bird's Head region until Namatota (Kab.Fak-Fak) South side, as well as islands - islands into the area surrounding the Sultan of Tidore.
So little has been written about the islands in Indonesia is very rich. From this work, in fact Indonesia has been known as a rich earth since the time of ancient civilizations. We do not know exactly what ancient civilization has existed on the islands of this archipelago. It may be that there has been an ancient civilization and prosperous Indonesia is unrecorded history. Brazilian scientist Prof. Dr. Aryso Santos, confirming the theory that Atlantis was what is now Indonesia. Indonesia is the region that is regarded as the heir of Atlantis. Plato says that Atlantis is a prosperous country that the sun all the time.
Indonesia's Nature wealthy and well cared for by our ancestors also be one of the factors that make the archipelago a source of world attention. Indonesia is a country that lies on the equator which has abundant natural resources in addition to its strategic location geographically. Natural resources ranging from marine resources, forests, until the minerals are spread from Sabang to Merauke. Many are now beginning to find new mines in Indonesia. Indonesian people will be surprised with the natural wealth of what else will emerge from the Earth Indonesia.
Rich earth if managed properly will make all the people of Indonesia can obtain a wealth extraordinary that it could be one day the people of Indonesia have no need to be taxed as it is today, and all facilities can be enjoyed with a free blessing of abundant natural resources that are shared to the people fairly. Indonesia needs is a good ruler, fair and very good at loving people and reject any form of policies that make it difficult for the public. It is time for Indonesia to rise towards glory. If it is done Indonesia could be the richest country in the world.
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